Friday, February 27, 2009

Snow Tubing for Research

In order to help boost my fundraising efforts, I'm having a FUN Fun-draiser!

5:00pm to 9:00pm


Amesbury Sports Park
12 South Hunt Road
Amesbury, MA

For $25, you get 3 consecutive hours of snow tubing!! All proceeds will go to the American Liver Foundation. Afterwards, join me inside to warm up at the on site Corner Kick Pub for a few brews and some appetizers.

Bring your family, friends, roomies or the strange guy you always see on the T.

Hope to see you there! Look for the RUN FOR RESEARCH banner to get your tickets and support me and my first Boston Marathon! :D

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm STILL Special. Mom says so!

So the spotlight story they did on me is no longer available at the link I originally posted, but can still be seen here!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What's Another 10 More?

Here I sit on my sofa. Resting my legs after our 16 miler yesterday. We ran on course, the last 16.7 miles, all decked out in ridiculous costumes including 'The Love Doctor', Thing 1 and 2, and the lovely Valentine Doll Boys who ran in red 'tighy whities'.

Spirits were high and excitement and adrenaline flowing. I felt good running through Natick, Wellesley and into Newton. Then it came. The first of the hills in Newton. Got up the first major one and was moving along quite well, but the last one honestly kicked my ass. Everything hurt. My knees, my quads. Whats that weird pain in my lower leg? Oh wait theres another twinge of pain in my hamstring. Oop, now its my lower back. This is where your mental state really begins to play a role. I knew I could do it. I knew I could finish. Cardiovascular wise I felt great, but my body, the muscles were just not having it! All I could think was if this is how I feel now, what's another 10 miles going to be like!? I'm screwed...

I did finish. In just over 3 hours, which I was not happy with. But I got there, in pain, with tears about to let go an second. I could not have done it without my teammates! The few of us at the end there, stuck together and talked one another through the last 2 miles. Thank you!!

Walking back to the gym to stretch and shower was painful. I'm amazed I actually was able to get up off the floor and over to the after party, where one beer made me silly but magically, the beer and advil helped the pain go away. Stairs didn't look to daunting for the rest of the day and night.

Today, surprisingly I woke up in very minimal pain considering. Its gradually been getting a little worse and then better. But I feel really good today. Just overall soreness, which is a good thing because it means no injuries and no tendonitis! YAY

Now, lets see how the week feels...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Marathon training should come with a warning!

I am totally slacking on this blog and posting updates. I sincerely apologize, really. If there were only an extra 2 hours in a day, this would be updated every week. Actually probably not since I'd be using it to run more or sleep! Like the title say, marathon training should come with a warning that your life pretty much ends as you know it for about 16 weeks!

So where am I, how am I doing etc? WELL. Been battling Posterior Tibial Tendonitis in my lower left leg since about New Years. (That's just a fancy name for shin splints essentially!) I started going to Physical Therapy at Kennedy Brothers (shameless plug) about a month ago now, and I must say, Jake truly is a miracle worker. While I was banned to the eliptical for a few weeks, he certainly proved worth the time since I ran a half marathon this past Saturday, Feb 7th, in about 2 hours 10 mins!! If I can keep that up, it puts me on pace for a 4:20 marathon, which for my first, would be a ridiculous good time. I'm not holding my breath though... All that matters is that Saturday's run felt good and I had relatively NO pain whatsoever. Jake really is a miracle worker...

Coming up tomorrow, Valentines Day, or Singles Awareness Day as I call it, is our 16 mile 'Love Your Liver' run. We will all be dressed up in pink, red and white in honor of Valentines Day, and I am told that the news trucks will be along the route. We start about 10 miles into the Marathon in Natick, and will run all the way back to Boston to the finish line on Boylston St. I am REFUSING to cross the finish line until the actual marathon. I don't want to cross that line for the first time in my life unless its for real.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Special.

For the month of December, and December only, I am the featured runner for my Marathon team - American Liver Foundation Run for Research. (Shameless plug - sponsor me! Use the link to the right PLEASE!)

To check out the 'Spotlight' story, click here


No, I haven't forgotten about my lovely blog that no one reads. I've just been excessively busy. Running. Christmas parties. Hangovers from said Christmas parties. Work. It all manages to get in the way of my available time to blog.

So, what have I been doing? Running. A lot. While in A LOT of pain. First it was shin splints, which I think I've kicked. Now, I've got this awful pain on the inside of my lower left leg. It almost feels like a big massive bruise. Like I've been kicked with a soccer cleat - because I've felt that more than once! Brian, our team coach, says to keep running (shorter but more frequent runs) and push through the pain, and it should go away. Well, if its not gone by the New Year, I'm off to PT!

Oh, wow! Its been that long. I forgot to mention, our team long runs started on December 6th. So, what's that, like 3 weeks ago? The first one, we had to do either 6/8/10 miles. I chose 6 because well, I'm a wimp. It was overwhelming how many people were there and running and all training for the Marathon. I felt like a loser to be honest. For one, I didn't really know anyone and wasn't off running around saying hi and hugging people. Secondly, I'm realizing that I don't run near as fast as I thought I did. Or when I do, I end up dragging ass for the last half of my run. Note to self - pace myself! Anyway, 6 miles went okay. Not fantastic, but I finished, and went home and did nothing the rest of the day. Did I mention I was hungover from one of 3 Christmas parties I had that weekend? No? Well, I was hungover!

The following Saturday, the 13th. We had to run 8/10/12 miles. Oh dear god I kept thinking. No way. I'm not ready. My body hates me right now. But, I from the week before I learned to pace myself. I ran through excruciating pain and ended up running 9 miles. I ran 9 freakin miles! I've never ran 9 miles straight, not once in my life. So maybe, just maybe this Marathon thing won't be so bad, right? (Stop laughing!) Running in the cold has honestly become my new favorite thing to do! It sucks for the first 5 mins, but boy oh boy, once I'm warmed up it feels great.

Well. Holidays are here. And good god I can't stop eating. Good thing I run 4-6 times a week! How on earth am I going to fit in my runs over the holidays? I'm going to be back to square one come January first. Whatever it takes right? I think I best be throwing out all my ice cream etc come January first too. I don't know if I'm getting fat, or gaining muscle, or both? My jeans don't fit like they used to, thats for sure! Maybe its because I actually have an ass now...

For now, Happy Holidays! Actually no, MERRY CHRISTMAS. I don't give a shit about that politically correct crap. I celebrate Christmas, so Merry Christmas! If I have time to write over the holidays, I will. Otherwise, Happy New Year! (Yeah, because sooo many people are anxiously awaiting my next post... HA HA)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble

In honor of Thanksgiving, i'd just like to give thanks for my two legs and feet. Without them I couldn't have run this today!

Gobble Gobble

Guess not having anything to do or anywhere to go does have its benefits! While everyone else is expanding their waistlines today, I'm running mine off :D